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FICOCC # 5. 1-12

Fifth Year

**All proud winners can get a Statuette if it is an individual prize. If the prize involves a team, they can obtain up to three Statuettes per prize.
** The cost of each Statuette is $ 226,00


** The payment is made to the Festival Bank Account or paypal account, following the link:

Comprar con PayPal

Also you can use the link:

Skrill ID:

** Statuette features:
Height: 25 cm; Base: Diameter 7 cm
Made in Bronze


** Send an email to:, indicating: - Film title, - Name of representative, Phone, - Prize


** The representative rides the shipping costs. Any questions, please write to the above address.


**To make a credit card payment:


Best of the fifth year!!!

FICOCC # 5. 1-12

On-line Film Festival with Live Screening of Winners

A Tale with Christ and Jesus, by Oldren Romero. Cuba. 2015

Kaichi Sato. Pic JPN.jpg

Lovehotel, The Guide To Japanese Midnight Culture, By Kaichi Sato. Japan

Anormal, By Luis Galán, Colombia/Spain/Senegal, 2017

In FICOCC we celebrated fifth years last February. For this, the Jury chose the 24 best movies presented during those twelve months. The selection was not easy, that made it take almost a month deliberating among so many participants.

After the hard work, the list was formed as follows: (Ordered according to the month in which it was presented to the festival):


Tinhead, By Stephen Inniss. United States


The Test, By Bartosz Toboła. Poland


Anomaly, By Michael Jeanpert. France


It's So Charming, By Svend Colding. Denmark


Inertia City, By Vellas. Brazil


The Monkey King, By Yingqi Ren. United States


Snake Oil, By Remy Archer. United Kingdom


Deficit Anima, By Jake Meniani. France


Snorrie, By Victoria Warmerdam. Netherlands


Prisoner, By Ingrid Franchi. France


10:45, By George Gogichaishvili. Georgia


Coming Back, By Yuxin Zhao. United States


Morti's Law, By Marcel Wohlfahrt, Natalie Kölbl. Germany


Transition, By Cat Sole. Australia


The Road To Life, By Judith Rueff. France


Soft Rain, By Sacha Geodegebure. Singapore


Deus Ex Machina, By Jessy Langlois. France


Taycan – Ovala, By Firat Gürgen. Turkey


The Island Of Misfit Artists, By Jordan Elizabeth Sambogna. United States


Lovehotel, The Guide To Japanese Midnight Culture, By Kaichi Sato. Japan


Bluff, By Artur Matveev. Russian Federation


C – Section, By Mehrshad Kheradmandi. France


Asylum, By Neil West. United Kingdom


Bon Appetite, By Charif Ounis. Germany



We know that many titles were left out, but we could only choose 24.

Congratulations to all the winners!!!

Thank you for making FICOCC possible.

Kisses to everyone!


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