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April - 2018

**All proud winners can get a Statuette if it is an individual prize. If the prize involves a team, they can obtain up to three Statuettes per prize.
** The cost of each Statuette is $ 212


** The payment is made to the Festival Bank Account or paypal account, following the link:

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** Then send an email to, indicating:
- Film title,
- Name of representative, Phone
- Prize
- Shipping Address.


** The representative rides the shipping costs. Any questions, please write to the above address.


Short films

Feature films

Half length films

Trailers or Films


April´s  Winners


On-line Film Festival with Live Screening of Winners

Best Experimental Short Film

Vous, By Pari Antoniou, Greece, 2017 

Best  Drama Feature Film: The Radicalization Of Jeff Boyd, By Uwe Schwarzwalder

Best Web Serie

After Nightfall, By Wayne Tunks, Australia, 2018

Best Drama Short Film  

Runner, By Mike Mcdougall, South Africa, 2018

Best Horror Short Film  

A Walk In The Park, By Dieter-Michael Grohmann

Best of the month

Best Short Film Of The Month

Cementerio, By Luis Villa Botero, Colombia, 2017

Best Feature Film Of The Month         

Creepy Crawling, By Chelsea Comeau, Canada, 2018


Audience Awards

- Audience Award 1st Place: Runner, By Mike Mcdougall, South Africa, 2018

- Audience Award 2nd Place: May Day, By Olivier Magis & Fedrik De Beul, Belgium, 2017

- Audience Award 3rd Place: Cementerio, By Luis Villa Botero, Colombia, 2017

1.- Short Film Awards

Best Drama Short Film  

Runner, By Mike Mcdougall, South Africa, 2018


Best Comedy Short Film

Cementerio, By Luis Villa Botero, Colombia, 2017


Best Dark Comedy Short Film

May Day, By Olivier Magis & Fedrik De Beul, Belgium, 2017


Best Romantic Comedy Short Film

Destiny, By Vikkramm Chandirramani, India, 2018


Best Thriller Short Film   

Fictus, By Nicola De Col Gebhardt, Perú, 2016


Best Horror Short Film  

A Walk In The Park, By Dieter-Michael Grohmann, Belgium, 2018


Best Fantastic Short Film

(Little) Red Riding Hood, By Daniel Jenny & Stephane Guenin, United States, 2015              


Best Historical Short Film

Pipinara, By Ludovico Di Martino, Italy, 2017


Best Student Short Film

Songs For A Farewell, By Sebastián López, Chile, 2018


Best Indie Short Film     

Ginger, By Markus Stoll, Germany, 2017


Best Opera Prima Short Film      

Waspart, By Salvador Conesa Tejada, Spain, 2018


Best Experimental Short Film

Vous, By Pari Antoniou, Greece, 2017 


Best Super Short

Nakusha....The Unwanted One, By Pranay Meshram, India, 2017


Best Documentary Short Film

Megha...A Song Of Silence, By Neeru Khera & Ujjwal Pandey, India, 2017


Best Animation Short Film

Faceshop, By Zhongwen Hu, China, 2018


1.2.- Individual Awards Short Films:


Best Director Short Film (Ex Aequo)

Olivier Magis & Fedrik De Beul - May Day

Luis Villa Botero - Cementerio

Special Mention Director Short Film

Ludovico Di Martino - Pipinara


​Best Screenplay Short Film

Olivier Magis, Fedrik De Beul & Javier Lopez - May Day

Special Mention Screenplay Short Film

Mike McDougall - Runner

Special Mention Screenplay Short Film

Camila Brugés Gómez, Felipe Gil Chavarría & Luis Villa Botero - Cementerio


Best Lead Actor Short Film

Thierry Hellin - May Day

Special Mention Lead Actor Short Film

Alessandro Marverti - Pipinara

Special Mention Lead Actor Short Film

Julio Pachón - Cementerio


Best Supporting Actor Short Film

José James Marín - Cementerio

Special Mention Supporting Actor Short Film

Rodrigo Marulanda - Cementerio

Special Mention Supporting Actor Short Film

Stanislas Stanic – Everyday

Best Young Actor Short Film

Gabriel Bastias - Songs For A Farewell

Special Mention Young Actor Short Film

Andrea Orano - Pipinara


Best Lead Actress Short Film

Lea Vivier - Runner

Special Mention Lead Actress Short Film

Aurélia Petit - Everyday

Best Supporting Actress Short Film

Monika Panwar - Destiny

Special Mention Supporting Actress Short Film

Gloria Laso - Songs For A Farewell


Best Young Actress Short Film

Nikita Vijayvargia - Destiny

Special Mention Young Actress Short Film

Ambre Vanecloo - (Little) Red Riding Hood


Best Team Performance Short Film

Thierry Hellin, Catherine Salée, Joren Seldeslachts, Simon André & Team - May Day

Special Mention Team Performance Short Film

Julio Pachon, Rodrigo Marulanda, Jaime Correa, José James Marín & Team - Cementerio


Best Cinematography Short Film

Giulia Ducci - Cementerio

Special Mention Cinematography Short Film

Valerio Martorelli - Pipinara

Special Mention Cinematography Short Film

Maxime HERAUD - Everyday


Best Lighting Short Film

Diego Pachas – Fictus


Best Art Direction Short Film

Daniel Jenny - Mission: Apo11o

Special Mention Art Direction Short Film

Aidualc Galliani - Fictus

Best Sound Design Short Film

Eric Mauer - (Little) Red Riding Hood

Special Mention Sound Design Short Film

Vincent Pessogneaux - Everyday


Best Editing Short Film 

Stéphane Guénin - (Little) Red Riding Hood

Special Mention Editing Short Film 

Nicola De Col - Fictus


Best Original Music Short Film

Raúl Salinas - Songs For A Farewell

Special Mention Original Music Short Film

Manuel Borda - Cementerio


Best Production Design Short Film



Best Costume Design Short Film

Fiordiligi Focardi – Pipinara


Best Fx Short Film

Florence Eloi & Stéphane Guénin - (Little) Red Riding Hood

2.- Feature &  Half – Length Film Awards

Best  Drama Feature Film

The Radicalization Of Jeff Boyd, By Uwe Schwarzwalder, Switzerland, 2017


Best  Indie Feature Film

Blue Skies On Mars, By Brian Lutes, Canada, 2018


Best Thriller Feature Film

Creepy Crawling, By Chelsea Comeau, Canada, 2018


Best Documentary Half-LengtFilm 

The End Of The Road, By Sergio García Locatelli, Peru, 2015


2.2.- Individual Awards Feature & Half-Length Film

Best Director Feature Film

Chelsea Comeau - Creepy Crawling


Best Screenplay Feature Film

Sandeepp Chatterjee, Alka Agrawal & Vivek Agrawal - Invisible


Best Lead Actor Feature Film

Uwe Schwarzwalder - The Radicalization Of Jeff Boyd


Best Supporting Actor Feature Film

Craig Gunn - Creepy Crawling


Best Lead Actress Feature Film

 Swathi Sharma - Edakallu Guddada Mele             


Best Supporting Actress Feature Film

María José Arcas - Luces              


Best Young Actor Feature Film

Adbur Rehman – Invisible


Best Cinematography Feature Film

Dillon Garland - Creepy Crawling


Best  Editing Feature Film

José Luis Pedrero – Luces


Best Original Music Feature Film

Flora Cheng – Blue Skies On Mars


Best Production Design Feature Film

Vivin Surya - Edakallu Guddada Mele


Best Fx Design Feature Film

Juan De Jaime – Luces

3.- Others

Best Web Serie

After Nightfall, By Wayne Tunks, Australia, 2018


Best Trailer

Broken Clay, By Owen Hisle, United States, 2018


Best Video Clip 

Kt&W - Batucada, By Nono Ayuso, United Kingdom, 2018


Best Poster 

Luces, By Alfredo Contreras, Spain, 2017

Live Screening

(Little) Red Riding Hood, By Daniel Jenny & Stephane Guenin, United States, 2015              

Ginger, By Markus Stoll, Germany, 2017

Runner, By Mike Mcdougall, South Africa, 2018

Fuck The Bitch, By Daniel Jenny, France, 2017

Everyday, By Philippe Orreindy, France, 2017       

Cementerio, By Luis Villa Botero, Colombia, 2017

May Day, By Olivier Magis & Fedrik De Beul, Belgium, 2017

Fictus, By Nicola De Col Gebhardt, Perú, 2016

Nakusha....The Unwanted One, By Pranay Meshram, India, 2017

Pipinara, By Ludovico Di Martino, Italy, 2017

On Monday April 30 at 17:00 will be the live screening of a selection of short films, at Osic Art Room, 02-08, Municipal Street, Regina Mall,

Puerto la Cruz 6023, Anzoategui, Venezuela.

FICOCC´s Official Selection: April – 2018

Short Films


Fiction Short Film

A Walk In The Park, By Dieter-Michael Grohmann, Belgium, 2018

Altered Spaces, By Dee Hood, United States, 2016            

Beau Soir, By Anne Wouters, Belgium, 2018

Broken Clay, By Owen Hisle, United States, 2018

Cementerio, By Luis Villa Botero, Colombia, 2017

Destiny, By Vikkramm Chandirramani, India, 2018

Enzo, By Serena Porcher-Carli, France, 2017

Everyday, By Philippe Orreindy, France, 2017       

Fictus, By Nicola De Col Gebhardt, Perú, 2016

Fuck The Bitch, By Daniel Jenny, France, 2017

Ginger, By Markus Stoll, Germany, 2017

(Little) Red Riding Hood, By Daniel Jenny & Stephane Guenin, United States, 2015              

May Day, By Olivier Magis & Fedrik De Beul, Belgium, 2017

Mission: Apo11o, By Daniel Jenny & Stephane Guenin, France, 2012

Nakusha....The Unwanted One, By Pranay Meshram, India, 2017

Nasty Water, By Frank Luchs, Switzerland, 2016 

Notes From Einstein, By Mimi Garrard, United States, 2017

Pipinara, By Ludovico Di Martino, Italy, 2017

Runner, By Mike Mcdougall, South Africa, 2018

Sans Titre, By Patrik Howanitz, Austria, 2017

Silent Screams, By Susana Sánchez-Carballo, Costa Rica, 2017     

Slumberous, By Sara Eustaquio, United States, 2018

Songs For A Farewell, By Sebastián López, Chile, 2018

The Bread Bank, By Bülent Tas, Germany, 2018

The Police Pay A New Year Visit, By The Church Of Almighty God, Korea, 2018

Toilet Man, By Chenyang Shu, United States, 2018

Tunnel Vision, By Roberto Dalmonte, Italy, 2018

Unete A Nosotros, By Susanna Taddei & Ibetti Perez, United States, 2017

Vous, By Pari Antoniou, Greece, 2017

You And Me, By Mrigank Dubey, India, 2017


Documentary Short Film

Insomnia, By Andrii Andreiev & Olga Andreieva, Ukraine, 2018

Megha...A Song Of Silence, By Neeru Khera & Ujjwal Pandey, India, 2017

Solari, By Sergio García, Peru, 2016         

The Song Of The Mountain, By Roland Ricaurte, Colombia, 2018


Animation Short Film 

Dracma, By Martin Stacey, United States, 2018

Faceshop, By Zhongwen Hu, China, 2018

Waspart, By Salvador Conesa Tejada, Spain, 2018



Feature Films


Fiction Feature Film

All About Section 377, By Amit Khanna, India, 2016

Blue Skies On Mars, By Brian Lutes, Canada, 2018

Creepy Crawling, By Chelsea Comeau, Canada, 2018

Edakallu Guddada Mele, By Vivin Surya, India, 2018

Invisible, By Sandeepp Chatterjee, India, 2017

Luces, By Alfredo Contreras, Spain, 2017

The Radicalization Of Jeff Boyd, By Uwe Schwarzwalder, Switzerland, 2017


Half Length Films

Documentary Half-Length Film

From Living Goddess To Regular Girl, By Seoyoung Song, Korea, 2018

The End Of The Road, By Sergio García Locatelli, Peru, 2015

The Gods Of Egypt, By Marcel Goudeau, France, 2018





Web Serie

A Very Silly President, By Dan O´Heavy, United States, 2018

After Nightfall, By Wayne Tunks, Australia, 2018

Magdiel´S Dreams, By Emilio Santiago, United States, 2018          


Video Clip

Be My Rebel, By Virgil Widrich, Germany, 2018

Dying Sun, By Pedro Wilde, Portugal, 2018           

Kt&W - Batucada, By Nono Ayuso, United Kingdom, 2018



After Nightfall, By Wayne Tunks, Australia, 2018

Ginger, By Markus Stoll, Germany, 2017

Luces, By Alfredo Contreras, Spain, 2017

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