Submit directly with us
Associated platforms
A.- Festival type: This is an online festival, with live screening of the winning films; Where the manager uploads the film to our website during the call. From there you can be seen by thousands of people with a single click.
B.- Duration of the festival: It is a monthly festival. During the whole month the call is made, the projections of the films and at the end of the same the winners are known; To start the cycle again. The 12 months of the year.
C.- Types of films: Of any length, feature films, half-lenght films, short films, web series, video clips, video arts, among others. According to the length is considered:
Super short: under to four minutes
Short film: from 4 to 35 minutes.
Half-length film: from 36 to 70 minutes.
Feature film: more than 71 minutes.
Web Series: under 30 minutes
Video clip: under to 20 minutes.
Video art: under to 20 minutes.
Short film script: maximum 45 pages
D.- Genres accepted: Any kind of gender, without any discrimination.
E.- Language: Preferably in its original language. All films must be subtitled in Spanish preferably, although subtitles are also accepted in English.
F.- Production date: Films presented must have been produced after 2010. Previous productions can be recorded as Classic Films.
G.- Number of films presented: The filmmakers can enter the month as many movies as they want. The film can be re-submitted later, only if it does not get a prize.
H.- Validity of the film: A film sent only enters the current monthly edition and not all other monthly editions. For the remaining monthly editions, the contestant has to present it each time he wants to compete.
I.- Deadlines:
Early bird: Until the 7th of the month
Normal: Until the 17th of the month
Late: Until the 27th of the month
J.- Quorum: It is necessary that at least three films are registered in the category so that there can be competition and therefore prize. If the quorum does not exist, the prize will be considered as desert, and the film will be registered for the following month's competition.
K.- Categories in competition:
K.1- Feature Film
Drama Feature Film
Comedy Feature film
Animated Feature Film
Documentary Feature film
Experimental Feature Film
LGBT Feature Film
Horror Feature Film
Sci-Fi – Fantastic – Thriller Feature Film
Classic Feature Film (Performed before 2010)
Student Feature Film
Indie Feature Film (Low Budget)
Opera prima Feature film
K.2.- Half-length film
Drama Half-length film
Comedy Half-length film
Animated Half-length film
Documentary Half-length film
Student Half-length film
Indie Half-length film (low budget)
Opera prima Half-length film
K.3.- Short film
Drama Short Film
Comedy Short Film
Animated Short Film
Documentary Short Film
Experimental Short Film
LGBT Short Film
Horror Short Film
Sci-Fi – Fantastic – Thriller Short Film
Classic Short Film (Performed before 2010)
Super short
Student Short Film
Indie Short Film (low budget)
Opera prima Short Film
Short + Private review
Short + Promotional Review
k.4.- Other competences
Web serie
Video clip
Video art
Short film script
Example: The film AAAAA is Entered as Drama Feature, Student Feature, Indie Feature, Opera prima Feature, Trailer and Poster. I would be competing is all those categories ...
Short + Private review
Include a critical film review. Less than 300 words. It is sent online through Film Freeway. If the filmmaker wishes it is sent online CERTIFICATE of the Critique, signed by the Director of the FICOCC.
Short + Promotional Review
Depth Analysis. The professional team FICOCC makes a broader critique, of a page, about: performance, history (plot, structure, turning points, etc), cinematography, art direction, production, among others. Published online on our web site. Unless the filmmaker wants to keep the critique privately. If the filmmaker wishes it is sent online CERTIFICATE of the Critique, signed by the Director of the FICOCC.
L. Prizes:
Best short film of the month
Best feature film of the month
1.- Short Film Awards
Best Drama Short Film
Best Comedy Short Film
Best Horror Short Film
Best Sci-Fi – Fantastic – Thriller Short Film
Best LGBT Short Film
Best Experimental Short Film
​Best Documentary Short Film
Best Animated Short Film
Best Student Short Film
Best Opera Prima Short Film
Best Indie Short Film
Best Classic Short Film (Performed before 2010)
Best Super Short
Individual Awards:
Best Director short film
​Best screenplay short film
Best Lead Actor short film
Best Supporting Actor short film
Best Lead Actress short film
Best Supporting Actress short film
Best Young Actor short film
Best Young Actress short film
Best team performance short film
Best Cinematography short film
Best Art Direction short film
Best Sound design short film
Best Editing short film
Best Original music score short film
Best Makeup short film
Best Production design short film
Best Costume design short film
2.- Feature & Half – length film Awards
Best Drama Feature Film
Best Comedy Feature film
Best Animated Feature Film
Best Documentary Feature film
Best Experimental Feature Film
Best LGBT Feature Film
Best Terror Feature Film
Best Sci-Fi – Fantastic – Thriller Feature Film
Best Classic Feature Film (Performed before 2010)
Best Student Feature Film
Best Opera Prima Feature Film
Best Indie Feature Film
Best Fiction Half-length film
Best Comedy Half-length film
Best Animated Half-length film
Best Documentary Half-length film
Best Student Half-length film
Best Opera Prima Half-length film
Best Indie Half-length film
Best video clip
Best Video art
Best Web serie
​Best Trailer
Best Poster
Best Short film script
Individual Awards:
Best Director Feature film
​Best screenplay Feature film
Best Lead Actor Feature film
Best Supporting Actor Feature film
Best Lead Actress Feature film
Best Supporting Actress Feature film
Best Young Actor Feature film
Best Young Actress Feature film
Best team performance Feature film
Best Cinematography Feature film
Best Art Direction Feature film
Best Sound design Feature film
Best Editing Feature film
Best Original music score Feature film
Best Makeup Feature film
Best Production design Feature film
Best Costume design Feature film
Extra prizes: New prizes can be created, given to the decision of the jury evaluator or at the request of the viewing public in their comments.
InkTip Awards, applied by this company (3 winners per year).
An InkTip prize package for one (1) quarterly winner of your choice, for a total of three (3) winners. Each prize package includes one (1) InkTip script listing so your winners can promote themselves and their scripts to InkTip's large network of producers and reps.
Every InkTip producer has been vetted via resume and references and demonstrated the ability to get movies made. Companies who are InkTip members include: ABC, Anonymous Content, APA, CBS Films, HBO Films, ICM, Paradigm, Paramount Pictures, Hallmark Channel, FX, Universal, WME, Echo Lake, Zero Gravity, Bad Robot, and 20th Century Fox.
iPitch.tv Awards, applied by this company (6 winners per year).
At iPitch.tv you can pitch your ideas for original Films, TV, Web/New Media projects, Documentaries, Game Shows, and more. Any type of project that you've developed and would like to pitch to Entertainment Industry Buyers can be listed in our marketplace for consideration.
M.- By registering your movie, you accept and comply with our rules, terms and conditions.
N.- Any article or paragraph of these rules and conditions can be changed by the organization without prior notice.
O.- Admission Fees:
Super Short: $ 20
Short Film: $ 20
Half-length film: $ 25
Feature film: $ 25
Web Series: $ 20
Video clip: $ 20
Video art: $ 20
Poster: $ 20
Trailer: $ 20
Short film script; $ 20
Short + Private review: $ 30
Short + Promotional Review: $ 35
When you register your film at the International Festival of On-line Cinema of the Five Continents, you authorize that your work be displayed on the festival's web site, as well as photographs, posters and others on the Festival's social networks. In the same way, you accept that you own the work you are presenting. When sending, the director allows the festival to create a page for his film without infringing the copyright.
The person responsible for the signed film releases from any legal responsibility to the International Festival of Online Cinema of the Five Continents, against any claim, liability, losses, damages and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees and Court) that may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credit, advertising, detection and loss or damage of the films entered.
Procedure of the film in the FICOCC
A.- Presentation of the film (link of vimeo or youtube or any other, and other requirements).
B.- The FICOCC will charge the film within a period of no more than three business days. From that moment can be visualized and voted by the jury and public.
C.- At the close of the monthly call, the jury will decide in two days who are the nominees and winners.
D.- The last day of the month will be known the winners of the month.
E.- The nominated and winning films will be kept on our web site, unless the person in charge of the film decides to remove its visualization.
F.- At the end of the month the winning films will be screened.
Casa Dúo, Centro Latinoamericano de Arte y Diseño. Av. Tamanaco 3696. LecherÃa. CP 6017, Anzoategui, Venezuela
Centro Cultural Palacio de los niños. Av. Diego Bautista Urbaneja, entre Carrera 1 y Carrera 2, Lecheria, Anzoategui, Venezuela